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Javascript is currently not enabled on your computer. To proceed on this site, you need to enable Javascript.

Enable Browser JavaScript

Some pages in this site may appear or function improperly if the browser in use has not enabled, or does not support JavaScript capability.

What To Do

First determine what browser version is in use. From the browser's Help menu choose the last item labeled "About [browser name]...". Macintosh users should go to the application name menu or the Apple menu and select the first item labeled "About [browser name]...".

Next, choose from the links below to find instructions on how to enable or upgrade Netscape and Internet Explorer browsers to be JavaScript capable:

  Enable Internet Explorer 5.x or 6.x
  Enable Internet Explorer 5.x - Macintosh
  Upgrade Internet Explorer
  Upgrade Internet Explorer - Macintosh
  Enable Netscape 7.x
  Enable Netscape 6.x
  Upgrade Netscape

Enable Internet Explorer 5.x or 6.x
  1. From the browser's Tools menu select "Internet Options..."
  2. Select the Security tab.
  3. Pick the "Internet zone" icon.
  4. Push the "Custom Level..." button.
  5. Scroll down the Settings list to the Scripting item. (You may need to double-click on icons to expand lists.
  6. Under the "Active scripting" item, choose the Enable radio button.
  7. Push OK and Yes to confirm and close the Security Settings dialog box, then OK again to close the Internet Options dialog box.
  8. Refresh the current page.
Enable Internet Explorer 5.x - Macintosh
  1. From the browser's Edit menu select "Preferences..."
  2. Within the left-hand pick list, expand the item group Web Browser (if necessary).
  3. Under the item group labeled Web Browser, select Web Control.
  4. Check the box labeled Enable JavaScript and push the OK button to close the Internet Explorer Preferences dialog box.
  5. Refresh the current page.
Upgrade Internet Explorer
We recommend that all users of Microsoft Internet Explorer, versions 5.0 and below should upgrade to Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 found on the at the Microsoft Web site.

Step-by-step download instructions for Internet Explorer--Windows are provided on our Minimum Requirments: Browser Download FAQs page.

Upgrade Internet Explorer - Macintosh
We recommend that all users of Microsoft Internet Explorer, versions 5.0 and below should upgrade to version 5.1 or higher of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 for Mac at the Microsoft Mactopia Web site.

Step-by-step download instructions for Internet Explorer--Macintosh are provided on our Minimum Requirments: Browser Download FAQs page.

Enable Netscape 7.x
  1. From the browser's Edit menu select "Preferences..."
  2. Within the Category pick list, expand the Advanced item by clicking on the triangle twisty.
  3. Next, select the subitem labled Scripts & Plugins.
  4. Within the Scripts & Plugins window, check "Navigator" under the Enable JavaScript for grouping. In the Allow Scripts to pane, make sure items regarding cookies are checked.
  5. Push the OK button to close the Preferences dialog box.
  6. Reload the current page.
Enable Netscape 6.x
  1. From the browser's Edit menu select "Preferences..."
  2. Within the Category pick list, select the word Advanced.
  3. Check the box labeled Enable JavaScript for Navigator and push the OK button to close the Preferences dialog box.
  4. Reload the current page.
Upgrade Netscape
We recommend that all users of Netscape, versions 6.2.2 and below should upgrade to Netscape 7.02 found on the Netscape Archived Client Products at the Netscape Web site.

Step-by-step download instructions for Netscape Communicator are provided on our Minimum Requirments: Browser Download FAQs page.

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515-603-6136 |
If you are having problems loging in, please download the latest version of the browser from the given links!
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